로그인 회원가입

광고 하여 구하다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • advertise
  • advertize
  • 광고    광고 [廣告] an advertisement; ad; an
  • 하여    -하여 as being; on the ground of[that]. 그
  • 구하다    구하다 [求-]1 [찾다] look for; seek (for
  • 추구하여    after
  • 구하다    구하다 [求-]1 [찾다] look for; seek (for / after); search for; pursue; want; need. 셋방을 ~ look for a room to let. 일자리를 ~ hunt[seek] for a job. 점원을 ~ want[need] a clerk. 점원[가정부]을 구함 『광고』 Help[Domestic help]
  • ~의 값을 구하다    judge; figure; appraise; qualify; valuate; appreciate; assess; price; evaluate; outguess; estimate; set; measure
  • 결구하다    head
  • 공동 연구하다    collaborate; cooperate
  • 구구하다    구구하다 [區區-]1 [변변찮다] trifling; trivial; petty; small; insignificant; of little importance; of no account. 구구한 소리 마라 Don't talk nonsense[rod]. / Don't say silly things. 구구히 trivially; pettily.2 [각각 다르
  • 농구하다    play basketball
  • 면구하다    면구하다 [面灸-] abashed; shamefaced; feel ashamed; feel awkward[embarrassed].
  • 미리 구하다    bespeak
  • 복구하다    restore; bring back; rehabilitate; rebuild; return; refurbish; reinstate; reconstruct
  • 불구하다    on the face of; be it as it may; all the same; even so; nethertheless; howbeit; despite; neglect; in spite of; natheless; nevertheless; even though; be that as it may; although; disregard; howsoever
  • 연구하다    study; spell; dig; contrive; read; fashion; research
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